[ カテゴリ スペシャル ] 2010-04-30 20:04:41
いよいよ明日公開の『いばらの王 -King of Thorn-』!
さらに、驚愕の展開が! 必見の知的娯楽作品です。
氷川竜介 アニメ評論家
我々は『いばらの王 -King of Thorn-』を2009年の映画祭クロージング作品として上映した。
アニローグ映画祭 ディレクター
From year to year, Anilogue festival in Budapest and Vienna devotes
an increasing attention to Japanese anime films.
Moreover, the special premiere which opens or closes the festival,
has been invited from Japan in the past five years,
so that we could celebrate the Central European debut of
many exceptional movies including Howl's Moving Castle, Paprika, or Ponyo.
In 2009, we were delighted to present King of Thorn
as the festival's closing film both in Hungary and Austria.
To our great honor, this brilliant film was personally presented by the director,
Katayama-san, who also compiled a unique exhibition of the artwork for the movie.
King of Thorn was one of the most popular animated features
on our festival in 2009, with fully packed screening rooms in Budapest
as well as Vienna. Thanks to King of Thorn, Kazuyoshi Katayama now has
many fans in our region who eagerly look forward to his next movie.
Tamas Liszka
Director, Anilogue Festival
『いばらの王 -King of Thorn-』は、アクションスリラーのお手本のような映画であり
King Of Thorn is a taught action-thriller and a terrifying re-imagining of
childhood fairytales. Definitely one to look out for. www.manga.co.uk
manga UK |
│この記事のURL: http://blog.b-ch.com/blog/kingofthorn/archives/353